Wednesday, 19 March 2014

More Playwear from Lushish Catz!

Kayshla is continuing to work on her 2014 swimwear collection and sent these outfits out today. They are available at a discount price at the LIKE Sales Room HERE.

First up, the Sparkle bikini, which comes with a mesh cape that is totally CUTE! I didn't even need to wear the alpha that comes with it.  The outfit also includes jewelry [earrings & ankle bracelet] and appliers for Lola's tango, Lush, Phat Azz and Cute Azz.  The sale price is just $85L!!

I am wearing the Ingenue flats for Slink flat feet, which I got at the Arcade Gacha recently. Also shown is Truth's Gabriel hair, which must have been a gift in the past because I have it in "ALL" shades.

For the photo below, I played with the Animare pose and animation system demo that I had in inventory because this pose had my right hand buried in my head. I am happy to say it worked GREAT. I am going to buy the system because for $299L, it solves a lot of problems with poses that are just... weird.  :)  Animare's in-world location is HERE and there is a demo available that only works at that location. You can buy the system on Marketplace (Link) or in my store (yes, that's how much I like it).

Kayshla also sent a cute little shorts outfit called "Princess".  It is also at the LIKE Sales Room and is priced at $75L and comes with a variety of the usual appliers, if you use them. I am wearing Catwa's Selena hair in the photos.

I love the cute little tag on the back!!

 Finally, I just had to buy this cute little "Boho" outfit which is currently on sale at the Lushish main store (Here) for $50L only.  It's adorable!  As always, it comes with a variety of appliers, which I do not use.  I am wearing the Catwa TNT hair and my Silver Laurel jewellery, as well as the aforementioned Ingenue flats.

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