Thursday 2 January 2014

Day One, Post One

WoW... That was tough, figuring out how to start this blog.  But, I made it!!  hahaha

I figured I'd start a blog to show off some of the wonderful creations I stumble across in Second Life, as well as some of my own jewellery creations.  I'm not sure how interesting this will be or how frequently I'll be able to update it, but we'll see.

For starters, all of you fishers out there - get over to Sn@tch!  Ivey has put together a Fishing Grab Bag with  25 boxes of with random things in random colors including dresses, pants, skirts, latex, shoes, accessories, and mesh items in a mix of colors and styles. It doesn't take too long at all and if you're a member of the Sn@tch group, people trade freely.

The SLurl is:

Go ahead, you know you want to!  I wanted to post a couple of photos of what I've received so far, but with the unscheduled Second Life maintenance going on, I can't!  I will add them later.  hahaha.. Auspicious beginnings...

[Edit to add images]

The shoes I'm wearing I bought at the SLebrity City (Cosmopolitan Sales Room). They, and the Slink Toenail appliers (which were a gift) are both made by Alyce, whose Marketplace store is here:

I hope you enjoyed this first post more than I did the struggle with Blogger....  *grins*


  1. Well done Jeannie ..great blog :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. LOL, I love your blog Jeannie .. thank you!! LOL it does not let you edit your comment .. I missed spelled a word and so I deleted the comment and replied.

    2. Awww... I am just learning about this, too! lol Thank you, my friend :)
